Title 42
What is Title 42? How does Title 42 work in practice? How has Title 42 affected the number of people arriving and being apprehended at the border? Is what's happening at the border a crisis? If or when Title 42 is ended, what would happen? Guest: Aaron Reichlin-Melnick, Policy Counsel with the American Immigration Council
What is Title 42? Is it a law?
Who has the power to end Title 42?
Do we collect COVID data on immigrants who arrive at the border?
What does Title 42 say? Does it only apply to non-citizens? Are there any exceptions?
How does Title 42 work in practice?
How has Title 42 affected the number of people arriving and being apprehended at the border? Is what's happening at the border a crisis?
What are the challenges to Title 42?
If/When Title 42 is ended, what would happen? Would it create chaos?
Guest: Aaron Reichlin-Melnick, Policy Counsel with the American Immigration Council
Who has the power to end Title 42?
Do we collect COVID data on immigrants who arrive at the border?
What does Title 42 say? Does it only apply to non-citizens? Are there any exceptions?
How does Title 42 work in practice?
How has Title 42 affected the number of people arriving and being apprehended at the border? Is what's happening at the border a crisis?
What are the challenges to Title 42?
If/When Title 42 is ended, what would happen? Would it create chaos?
Guest: Aaron Reichlin-Melnick, Policy Counsel with the American Immigration Council